November 3, 2021

Heron and Kitty

This afternoon I needed to pick up a prescription for Frank. As I started to drive out of our community, I saw a great blue heron beside the lake. I took a picture through the windshield because I thought he might fly away.

The windshield is tinted so I pulled into a parking spot to get out and try for a clearer picture. A cat was sitting there, probably waiting for school kids to arrive in their bus and perhaps offer snacks. The kitty seems friendly and did not run off as I approached. I walked past to get closer to the heron.

This heron looks larger than the one I've seen in our yard. It doesn't seem bothered by the colder weather that we are finally getting. This morning I saw ice in our bird bath.



  1. Herons are quite hardy and a few will generally be present as long as there is open water.

    1. Yes, one winter I took a picture of one in the snow.

  2. Hello,
    Cute kitty. I have seen herons here through the winter, they can find food in the open moving water. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. Good thing you stopped for another shot at Mr. Heron, and were given a cat surprise as well!

  4. Looks like that heron found a nice little place to fish! Sweet kitty - lovely place! x K

  5. Hello Linda,:=) It's always good to keep your camera close to hand, in case you see something interesting, and you found it. The Heron looks quite at home in the lake. Nice little Kitty in the same frame.


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