September 1, 2021

Surprise Birds

Yesterday I was in Woodstock, so I drove down to Seven Bends State Park to eat my protein bar and take a look at the river to see if it was rising yet. We've had hard rain from the edge of Hurricane Ida and the highway department had barricades positioned nearby to close access to the low water bridge when necessary, but so far the river had not risen. We had more rain last night and today the park was closed. I did not venture out today anyway because rain was beating down and wind blew strongly at times.

Back to yesterday: I slowed down as I crossed the bridge on Hollingsworth Road and there I saw a great blue heron. I snapped a picture with my cell phone.

I regretted not bringing my camera because it has a better zoom, and regretted it again a few minutes later when I looked at this cabin to the right of the road. Do you see what's on the rail?

Here it is zoomed and cropped. Yes, that's a peacock. I learned today that his name is Barney!

 I met Barney back in May when I returned from a walk in the park and found him checking out my car.  I believe he lives at a residence between the park and this cabin, but he seems to have the run of the neighborhood. 


  1. Great sightings and birds. We have had peacocks roaming our neighborhood. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. As I am leaving the house, Miriam often says, "Do you have your camera?" Whenever I don't there is guaranteed to be something I should have taken it for!

  3. ...that's quite an old cabin.

  4. Wonderful cameras are alright.

  5. A peacock - wow!
    Have a blessed day!

  6. Nice to see Barney the peacock.

    I hope you are ok in the terrible weather parts of the US are currently experiencing.

    All the best Jan

  7. what would we do without our phones...still the pictures are good. but never leave home without the good camera!!!

    i can't read the word woodstock without thinking of the concert!!

  8. Barney is an odd name for such a bird.


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