August 12, 2021

Two Sayings

When I saw the “I’m retired” message in a shop, I thought it was a sign. Now I see that it was a carefully folded T-shirt.



  1. Great sayings, I love both of them!
    Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  2. ...being quiet is the next best thing. I've never dressed up much! Thanks for sharing Linda.

  3. I have a lot of dressy clothes in my closet, two sizes too small, from when I was a working gal. I only wear slacks or shorts and tee shirts these days in retirement too! Someday soon our local thrift shop will be gifted with the snazzy duds.

  4. Great signs, both of them!

  5. People should send the first one to Abbott and DeSantis and others of their ilk.


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