August 5, 2021

An Algae Warning and Other Signs

July was hot and dry. Our rivers are low. The Shenandoah is River is flowing slowly and algae is growing in it. 

Some algae is harmless but some varieties are toxic. There are reports of dogs getting very sick from playing in the river, and the state health department is warning people to stay away from algae mats.
Below is a shot of me standing in front of the LOVE sign at Seven Bends State Park. A stand has been installed there to hold your cell phone so you can take a picture for the Chronolog slide show. 

SBS-102 refers to Seven Bends State Park, Location #2.  Pictures taken here can be emailed to Chronolog to be part of a slide show showing the seasons change at this location. I did so but it was a regular landscape, not the selfie.

Today's closing shot is a little sign I saw today.


  1. Algae can be a problem here too.

    A billion dollars... And chocolate.

  2. ...algae sure is a problem. SBS-102 sounds interesting. Thanks Linda for stopping by.

  3. Algae can be a problem here, too, but not this year. We've been wetter than normal. The weather is so unbalanced. I could use a billion dollars, too. Alana

  4. I wouldn't know what to do with a billion dollars if I had it, though that is fun sign! On second thought, William suggests chocolate. So I would buy truck loads of chocolate and donate it to charity organizations to give everyone something fun and enjoyable!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Well, no amount of money can help an algae bloom! So never mind.

  6. Mesmo com algas me pareceu muito lindo!

  7. Bad enough with algae in our pond let alone a river.

  8. My former dog, who did not like water at all, once leaped into a river. The part near the bank was entirely greened-over with algae and she thought it was grass. She sank like a rock, but fortunately paddled her way back to the bank.


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