March 28, 2021

Antioch Church in Hopewell Gap

These pictures are from February. It is now spring and the snow is gone.
Inspired Sunday.

I was excited to come across this church with historical markers. 
"Organized April 22, 1837, the nineteen original members of Antioch Baptist Church worshipped in a small log building until the stone church was erected in 1842. Baptisms were held in the creek behind the church. In 1901, the congregation tore down the stone church because of structural damage and erected the present building. The Women's Missionary Society acquired the adjacent log house in 1926 and deeded it to the church in 1957. In 1962 the church was closed due to a dwindling congregation, but was reopened in 1996. The annual Homecoming Meeting has continued since 1922."

There's also a Civil War Trails sign entitled "Hopewell Gap *** Mountain Pass and Mosby's POW Camp." 

You can read the entire text at Historical Marker Database.  I was especially intrigued by the mention and map of Mosby's Camp on Bull Run Mountain. Years ago I was told about it by John Austin who had found it while hunting on the mountain.

Late in July, 1863, Confederate Maj. John S. Mosby held 153 prisoners and 200 horses at Camp Spindle near here until they could be sent to Richmond. The steep terrain concealed the camp and its natural spring. Mosby released two New York Herald reporters to build good public relations and tell the world what a “gentleman” he was.
There is a house next door. I don't know if it is the log house mentioned in the first marker.


  1. A simple but beautiful white church to worship in. Your first picture of the white church, red roof, dark leafless trees and snow is enchanting, like the pilgrim days. Hope they did not have baptisms in the creek during winter!!

  2. So romantic pictures. I love the white door.

  3. snow. love it. we have not seen much of that in a long time. fun to see. u have a great super week. hope u will get all u need finished. ( ;

  4. The church is sweet, the history connected with it fascinating. And that marker website is downright amazing! Thank you for that link...wish we’d known about it when we were traveling FullTime, but it will still be useful. Much appreciated.


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