February 9, 2021

The Stewart House / Belle Boyd Cottage

Front Royal, Virginia
Tuesday Treasures / Our World Tuesday

This building is called the Belle Boyd Cottage because young Confederate spy Belle Boyd lived here at the time of the Battle of Front Royal in 1862.  She famously she crossed Federal lines in order to take information to Stonewall Jackson. She had other adventures and after the end of the Civil War, she made a career out of telling her stories, turning herself into a legend.

The house was owned by her uncle. It was originally in a different location but was moved to Chester Street in 1982. There is also a house in Martinsburg called the Belle Boyd House and she lived there with her family before coming to Front Royal. 



  1. ...it sounded like she lived a big life and perhaps spun a lot of tales.

  2. Good to hear of a female heroine though I guess many would want her killed as a spy.

  3. It's a lovely cottage Linda, there have a!ways been strong women around, good to know 💙

  4. Many thanks for sharing the photograph and information.

    All the best Jan


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