December 9, 2020

Three Birds in Profile.

Duck, Finch, Sparrow, Cardinal.
I dipped into my "4Dec2017" folder for these. As a way of organizing my pictures, I make a folder for each month, preceded by "4" meaning "For." That's where I download the images. Ones that I've cropped (if needed) and resized go into a Print folder for the month. I size them even smaller for use on this blog, put my name on them, and save them in a current folder. Right now it's called 2020December. 

I don't always crop or sign cell phone pictures, and I rarely print them because they are a small file size. Today's photos were taken with a camera that has a zoom lens.

I realize some readers don't care about those details, but the majority of my readers are fellow bloggers. Do you organize your pictures by month?

As for today's subjects, the first two are females. Mrs. Duck is a mallard. I thought the second bird was a purple finch; the female does not have the bright scarlet colors of the male. However, some readers who are experienced birders tell me this is a sparrow.

Today's red bird is a male northern cardinal. 


  1. Hello,

    They are all great photos, pretty captures of the birds. Take care, have a happy day!

  2. ...the cardinal is the winner for me.

  3. Lovely birds!
    However, I think your "finch" is a White-throated Sparrow. They breed in Canada, but come south for the Winter. There is a birding website called All About Birds that I find very helpful. You might want to take a look.
    Have a blessed day!

    1. Thanks. I didn’t have a front view to compare.

  4. Lovely photos. I keep mine in months then have a book made of my social media photos which I can flip through to find a place I went to. I only use my iPhone to take photos though.

  5. Nice little bird trio. I caught sight of just the corner of that white throat, but a bird is a bird by any name.

  6. Lovely photographs, the cardinal is my favourite.

    All the best Jan

  7. Beautiful birds. I follow the way my Mac organizes my photos, by place, and date. But unfortunately blogger doesn't recognize my system, and I have to choose between "downloads" or "photos."

  8. Your second picture is not a female House Finch. It is either a female House Sparrow, or perhaps a White-throated Sparrow, but I lean towards the former.


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