December 7, 2020

A Sierra Mural in Harrisonburg

Last week I was in Harrisonburg for a dermatology appointment and I remembered this mural on Cantrell Avenue. I quickly learned that Cantrell is now Martin Luther King Jr. Way. It's been a long time since I drove through that slice of Harrisonburg, which is next to James Madison University. 
I found a plaque which identifies the artist, Trudy Cole-Zielanski. 
The mural wraps around a corner. Part of it is covered with ivy.

I also stopped to take a picture of a tree and later, a golden-hour scene on the way home. The late-day light had turned the Massanutten Mountains an orange color. 

Combined in PhotoShop for Mosaic Monday.


  1. Oh Linda, it was well worth your time to find this mural and the plaque that accompanied it. It's a wonderful and LONG mural.

  2. Linda - lovely photos. Seems a shame that part of the mural is covered with ivy ... Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  3. Very flowery mural, looks lovely Linda. Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals.

  4. Hello, Linda
    The mural looks beautiful. I love the golden hour image, lovely view. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great week ahead!

  5. ...the ivy needs to be trimmed!

  6. The mural is intricate and beautiful Linda, a super find..hope they don't let the ivy take over completely ✨

  7. Lovely mural, and I agree with others...cut back that ivy! The glorious sunset lighting on the mountain range is beautiful.

  8. I like the contrast with the mural and the live ivy. I hope they keep the live ivy trimmed!


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