September 1, 2020

A Fave.

CDP Theme Day for September
Today's City Daily Photo theme is "A FAVOURITE PHOTO." (It is an international group and the person who chose this month's theme uses British spelling.) I decided to go with a picture of my daughters, and this is a memorable one.
Lynn and Marie Javins.
I took this in Shenandoah National Park many years ago. We hiked to Dark Hollow Falls on a beautiful autumn day and I took some lovely shots of the fall colors... or so I thought. It wasn't until I took the film out of the camera that I realized it was black and white! That was disappointing but for this particular picture it didn't matter. And now I'm glad it was black and white because my old color pictures have all faded to some degree.


  1. Really a neat photo of two beautiful girls

  2. Lovely girls in a wonderful place ...happy memories. I can even remember the days when color film seemed like a miracle ! Technicolor! And I remember being careful about taking pictures because it cost so much to have film developed that we didn’t want to waste shots. Consequently many of the candid shots of our kids were taken by their grandfather, who wasn’t on a tight budget )).

  3. ...such serious expressions.

  4. Beautiful photo, I can see why it is your favourite. I have been taking b&W flower photos this year, it has been an interesting and challenging experience.



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