May 5, 2020

Memorial to the 128th NY Volunteers

Middletown, VA
Tuesday Treasures: This monument stands between Cedar Creek and Belle Grove Road.

"In memory of the men of this regiment who lost their lives at the Battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. Erected by their comrades and friends, dedicated in 1907."

According to a park service page on Monuments of Cedar Creek and Belle Grove, the "carved knapsack, crossed rifles, canteen and sword is the symbol of the Union 19th Army Corps."


  1. Good to remember those who sacrificed their lives for a good cause. Have a beautiful day.

  2. ...I imagine that your area is rich when it come to Civil War memorials. Are we in the midst of another civil war? Thanks Linda for stopping by, stay strong.

    1. That's a good question. This may be the first war in which most of the action takes place online while most of the casualties are due to a virus!

  3. Hello, it is a beautiful memorial! Have a happy day!

  4. Wonder how many died (on both sides) in that battle. So sad.

    1. Well, the park service says "Total casualties numbered approximately 8,600 (5,700 Union and 2,900 Confederate)." That would include wounded as well as killed.

  5. Looks an impressive memorial.

    All the best Jan


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