May 10, 2020

In the Countryside near Stanley

Not much was open for a Mothers Day event but it was a pretty day to take a ride in the country. This stone church caught my eye. It is St. George's Episcopal Church on Pine Grove Road.

A plaque says this older part of the church was built in 1932. To the right is an addition built in 1968.

A sign on the addition says that "Due to the Covid-19 crisis, all church activities, including worship, have been suspended until further notice."

We continued our ride through Page County. I pulled into a driveway to take a picture of a red barn with silos.

Often there is no place to pull over to take barn photos, but this time I actually found three safe vantage points.

The area was also rich in poultry farms.


  1. ...Linda, you certainly saw some beautiful things on your drive, thanks for taking me along. I hope that you had a wonderful day, take care.

  2. Hello, Love the pretty church. The red barn and cows are favorite images too. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  3. Finding a place to park and safely take the shot is sometimes the biggest challenge. Beautiful photos, I'm glad you had a good weather Mother's Day. It snowed here, lol.

  4. pretty countryside - love the stone church and barns

  5. Beautiful ever. Thanks for taking me along on your ride!

  6. A joy to find the perfect photo stop when on a drive! Very nice...(also a joy just to get to take a drive these days).

  7. Your photos are littered (in a good way) with shadows! Thanks!

  8. I love the stonework of the church. Pretty and peaceful shots.


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