April 24, 2020

Cloudy Friday in Woodstock

1. I took my recycling to a collection center today, stopping at a hardware store to pick up a few items for gardening. I hope to grow enough vegetables for a salad or two. Then I drove to the town of Woodstock to take a few pictures. 

Skywatch / Black and White Weekend.
2. I wanted a reflection shot so I stopped at a shopping center and found this.

3. Friday Bliss and Floral Friday: Dogwood is Virginia's state tree and it brightens up the landscape so prettily.

4. I believe the yellow flowers are mustard.

5. Also yellow is the wooden bird on a post. I noticed he appears in several places in Woodstock. If you recognize him, you'll know why someone decided he was an appropriate mascot for the town!


  1. Hi Linda,
    Your green meadow looks like summer and I do recognize that cute bird :) Wishing a pleasant & safe weekend.

  2. ...I sure would love to have a Woodstock to brighten my day! Thanks Linda.

  3. The pretty yellow flowers do look like mustard plants. We get them here also. Have a nice weekend!

  4. I like the black and white picture and the nice reflection. Pretty pink and yellow flowers and the cute bird in the last picture. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Hi and thanks for the pretty photos. I love Woodstock, and his buddies on Peanuts.

  6. Hi,
    Thanks for sharing sharing your trip. The Dogwood is beautiful. Love Snoopy...Have a great day!

  7. Probably told you before, but I grew up in Woodstock - Ontario that is.

  8. What other mascot could be as appropriate for a town called Woodstock?
    Lovely photos!

  9. Fun collection of images. I do indeed recognize little Woodstock.


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