April 15, 2020

Canada Geese This Afternoon

Wild Bird Wednesday. I walked out by the lake today to get a little sun and see if there was anything to photograph. There was. 

I'm glad to have a nice place to walk and enjoy nature. It's a pleasant respite from the worries of the world.


  1. ...Linda. you captured the geese well.

  2. Wonderful captures Linda, I have never been lucky catching birds in flight 😉 Love the way they landed and took off again side by side 💜

  3. Me alegro mucho de que pueda usted salir a disfrutar de ese bonito lago y de su fauna, ya que más de medio mundo estamos confinados en casa por este aviso que nos ha dado en forma de virus, la madre Naturaleza, y que como la sociedad y los gobiernos no cambie la forma de pensar en cuanto a la protección del medio ambiente, puede llegar el día en que nadie pueda disfrutar de ella.
    Tus fotografías, son muy bonitas.
    Un cordial saludo.

  4. A great set of photos of Canada Geese.

  5. Love your photos of the goose in flight and landing. A lovely day to get out. Thanks for sharing these.

  6. It does look like a great place to get back to nature and forget about life's worries for a while. Nice captures.


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