February 3, 2020

Purcellville Encore

I found another mural in Purcellville so I've got enough photos for another Random-osity post.

The Good: We visited the Purcellville Art Gallery and found a wrap-around mural on the front and one of the sides.
Monday Murals.

The Random: The gallery is small but it has some gems and is nicely arranged. 

(Sharing the collage with Mosaic Monday.)

The Fun: I'm going back in time for this picture. Here's my mother (seated) and her sister in Peggy's yard in Purcellville.

Previous Purcellville Post: Jan. 13, 2020.


  1. ...looks like a giant set of wings.

  2. I like the wings and also the fact that the small gallery has been painted all around. Such a pretty building.
    Thanks for contributing Linda.

  3. Beautiful place, I would like to have a place where to exhibit my works:)

  4. The wings are beautiful....as well as the mountains scene! Love seeing those when we're traveling!

  5. I'm glad that murals and all kinds of public art are popping out everywhere. That's a sweet photo of your mom and aunt. :-)

  6. Linda - the metal sea monster sculpture is terrific, and I also am drawn to the flower paintings on the wall behind it. Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday!

  7. The RV park we are staying at today has a sculpture out front with wings like that. I'm not sure the association with the park since it is in a large suburb of Los Angeles, maybe a local artist. - Margy

  8. Special photo of your Mom and Aunt. Lovely smiles! The last time I had my nails done professionally was in Purcellville. I don't usually get my nails done at any time but a good friend lived there and she insisted I go with her one day. Have to say it was fun but she moved out of the area and I have never been back :) I would rather have gone inside that lovely gallery.

  9. Photos of people in past happy times are always good!

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  10. I'm always amazed at the creativity and talent for murals and paintings. Your photos are great, especially the photo from the past of your mom and aunt.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  11. The gallery looks like a nice place to visit.


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