January 15, 2020

Backyard Birds, Mid-January.

I looked out the window this morning and fog was covering the mountain. Then I noticed four birds were on the bench. I zoomed in and saw they were mourning doves and there were nine of them! One is hard to see; he's on the left arm. 

Soon the sun came out and the temperature rose. I ate lunch sitting outside, camera ready.

A Carolina Wren visited one of the feeders. And geese wandered through the yard.

The remaining pictures are from another day. The male cardinal has been pecking at what's left in the woodpecker feeder. The female is in the tree, looking out at me.

I believe the downy woodpecker is also a female. The male has a red patch on the back of his head.


  1. Dzięcioł cudowny! Nie ma takich gatunków w Polsce! Bardzo mi się podobają samice kardynała. Bardziej niż samce. mają piękne oliwkowe upierzenie. Zdjęcie z ławką - super!

  2. I love the photos of your scenery and critters that you share. The woodpecker and the cardinals are just stunning to see :)

    I'm glad you joined us at 'My Corner of the World'!

    My Corner of the World

  3. The Downy Woodpecker is very good looking in her black and white outfit.

  4. Hello, great variety of birds. I like the dove photo, they found a great place to sit. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead!

  5. Yes, I can see all 9 birds on the bench. Beautiful feathered critters.

  6. Wonderful photos, I'd love to sit and look at your feeder

  7. Love, love, love the photos. Especially the birdies on the bench.

  8. Thank you for sharing your beautiful scenery and birds!
    Love that shot of the dove on the bench.

    (What's "snow"?)

  9. The cardinals are my favourites of these.

  10. Nice pictures of our feathered friends. I especially like the one of the goose.


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