December 16, 2019

Mid-December Random-osity

The Good: I survived another birthday. I guess I'll make it through the holidays.

What's that about? Well, aside from getting older, I'm not a big fan of winter and the short cold days. I feel a better when the days start getting longer.

The Random: Frank's sister has been visiting. Here they are at Long Branch yesterday. We had a lovely tour with a very knowledgeable guide. The historic manor house is decorated for Christmas.

And on Saturday, we enjoyed Strasburg's holiday home tour. (The frames on the collage are courtesy of PhotoCollage.)
 The Fun: Peggy and Bill were passing through town so today we met them for lunch in Winchester.  It's always a joy to spend time with my sister.


  1. Happy New Trip around the sun, Linda! I began my new trip last week, too. I started the day sighing about another year older. By nightfall, I was a very happy camper about where I am today. Funny how that goes. :-)

  2. We may agree to differ on the weather - I'm in Europe and I am enjoying the cold weather! Hope spring comes soon enough for you!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Paris, France

  3. Happy Belated Birthday. I completely agree with you about the short cold days of winter. Spring can't get here soon enough!

  4. Happy Birthday...may the next year be full of joy for you. Loved seeing your family having a good time.

  5. Linda - many people struggle with the shorter days and the lack of sunshine. I find I sleep a lot more! So glad you are enjoying some family time. The photos of the historic sites are interesting, and I like how you framed the collage. Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday so faithfully!

  6. Family time is always a pleasure to share with each other. I love those frames around your mosaic, they're pretty. Have a wonderful day.

  7. Winter has me sleeping a lot. I enjoy the peach and quiet, but spring is always welcome.


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