November 10, 2019

Today at Summit Point

Memorial United Methodist Church, Summit Point, WV.
Inspired Sunday. Memorial UMC was founded a century ago.
Today we drove to nearby West Virginia for a sampling of the Over the Mountain Studio Tour. We only visited a couple of the artisan studios because Jefferson County is a big area to cover in one day, plus we have been to most of the tour stops before.

I got on Summit Point Road just past Berryville. It becomes Leetown Road at the state line. I followed that through the country to Head Spring Farm.  We admired the wool items that were crafted by Bridget, and they included pictures made of dyed wool, which looked like paintings. There were also some decorated gourd items.

On the grounds there was a fine old barn and plenty of farm animals.

Another barn was across the road.
Sharing with The Barn Collective
We drove through the town of Summit Point, which is where I took the church picture. All through the town you can hear the roar of motors at a nearby race track.

We made another stop to see a small art show at Cool Spring Nature Preserve, a pleasant place we visited three years ago.

By that time it was 3:15 and we were both getting hungry because we had not had lunch. So we headed back toward Virginia.

I made a quick trip through Blandy Experimental Farm before coming home. The ginkgo trees have dropped their yellow leaves, but the gold maples were glorious.


  1. I love autumn colours and that is a cute critter at the barn.

  2. ...Linda, such nice late fall rural scenes. I like the duck whirligig headed south! Thanks Linda for stopping by, stay warm with this arctic blast!

  3. Such fabulous Fall photos. Love that cute goat!

  4. Hello, the yellow leaves and trees are beautiful. The goat is cute and I like the duck too. Sounds like a fun day. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  5. Oh thank you for talking about your art/farm tour. I wish you'd shared some of those "wool art" pieces which you spoke of. They sound interesting. Great photos (as always) with the late long shadows and golden light and trees.

  6. Beautiful Autumn .... I’d also be interested in those wool “paintings”. I need some art over our bed, one that doesn’t need a glass or heavy frame.

  7. That is a pretty church. I like the photo of the goat too.

  8. Thanks for the comments. There is a link to the wool pictures at in the post to the artist's etsy page. The list is of wool paintings is now very short, so apparently she sold several over the weekend.

  9. Such wonderful Autumn colours in your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  10. The experimental farm sounds interesting. Love the last photo of the golden maples and the road beyond. I imagine the area you toured around is very scenic.


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