October 11, 2019

Shenandoah National Park Willy Nilly

It's Willy Nilly Friday so I'm posting a variety of pictures, not all from the same day. But these do have something in common: I took them in Shenandoah National Park. (I have a Parks Pass so I go there frequently.)

1. Skywatch: This one is from this evening. I saw the full moon rising over the park entrance sign so I stopped and took a picture.

2. Black and White: Rainy days can be interesting on Skyline Drive. Here we see clouds covering a nearby mountain. You can stand there and watch them flow across the ridge.

3. Here we see some yellow wild flowers. And then in the next picture, a deer is walking in front of a large patch of flowers at Dickey Ridge.

The park service used to mow this area but in the past few years they have let the wild plants grow in order to provide habitat for butterflies.

4. I was at an overlook and watched two rental vans pull in and park. A couple of families got out, including these young ladies.

5. Painted rocks are still in vogue. This one is decorated with a mushroom and was resting on a post at Compton Gap. You can see the post and chain in the next picture.  Vehicles are not allowed on the trail except for fire fighting equipment if needed.


  1. You saw a lot of great sights to share today, and we are very lucky you do. Thanks Linda :)

  2. The young ladies photo is stunning with the light <3 I wonder wether they are Amish? A cute deer, too. Thank you for linkimng Linda, have a lovely weekend.

    1. They are probably Mennonite. We have many Mennonites in western Virginia.

  3. ...the Shenandoah National Park looks like a treasure. A wonderful collection of scenes, my favorite is the group of Mennonites. Thank Linda for stopping by, enjoy your weekend.

  4. Hello, nice photos from the park. I love the first view of the moon, the pretty deer and flowers. The painted rocks are popular now! Happy weekend.

  5. Great collection of park photos...the girls are like a painting posed just for you!

  6. Fine collection of photos, and a lovely black and white.

  7. The deer is a welcome sight to see.

  8. Lovely collection of photos.

  9. beautiful place in all aspects. Love the deer and the view.

  10. It’s great that you live “next door” ..or almost ... to that beautiful NP! I’d be there often too if I were you. Always love your pictures.

  11. You've shared a lovely collection of photographs.
    I do like the painted rock … my grand-daughter has been painting some too :)

    All the best Jan


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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