August 17, 2019

Butterflies and Critters with Hooves

There seem to be more butterflies this summer. Perhaps I'm finding more of them because local parks and gardeners are making an effort to allow native plants to grow, including some that were considered weeds.

I took the third photo yesterday. It was nice seeing a calf with it's mother.

The deer was in the shadows, probably keeping cool.

I think the butterfly on the coneflower (echinacea) is a fritillary. I am not a butterfly expert, by any means.

The handsome horse looks friendly, doesn't he?


  1. Hello, I love all the butterflies. Cute capture of the calf with it's Mom. The horse is pretty too, looks like it wants a treat. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day. Wishing you a great new week! PS, thank so much for your visit and comment

  2. have some butterflies that I have not seen this year!

  3. Great to see more butterflies, and you may be right about more "native plants" being allowed to grow. Unfortunately my landscaping crew killed all the "weeds" but fortunately they planted some butterfly bushes.

  4. Love the photos of the butterflies, not something you see often here either.

  5. Loving this collection, for the beautiful photos and knowing that you are seeing more butterflies! People are nurturing milkweed around here now, instead of trying to eradicate it, for the same reason. .... the horse looks like he wanted a conversation...or a sugar cube.

  6. Linda, all of these are stunning captures :)

    All the best Jan

  7. Beautiful nature shots ~ love the 'critters' especially Mom and baby calf ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. The horse is wondering if you might have a carrot.


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