June 6, 2019

A Little Local Color

Today's pictures are from close to home, starting with wild phlox by the railroad tracks.

In a neighbor's yard... not real bears, although we have them in the area. These are wooden cut-outs.

Iris growing behind a rock wall.

The sign was printed to look worn or antique.
Sharing with Signs, Signs, Little Things Thursday, and Floral Bliss.
It's a cute sign but I bought it for a purpose. See, I don't know the guy who was fishing from our yard. Some people think there's a right-of-way around the pond, but there isn't. Therefore we have some "No Trespassing" signs, which seem to be invisible to people who don't want to see them.

The photo of the evening sky was taken from the road that goes through our subdivision.


Next we see the night train. It comes through around 1 o'clock in the morning. I can see its lights as it passes the flagpole across the pond. I zoomed in and got this blur of the lights.

Another iris. This is one we planted. As you can see, I got really close!

And finally, a wildly altered picture that started out as deep blue iris with green leaves. I played with the image on my iPad using PicsArt until I got something that satisfied.


  1. ...Linda, I believe that you have some Danes Rocket, let looks like phlox.

  2. Hello, lovely series. I like the cute bear cut-outs. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  3. Hope you don't follow the old law that says if it's posted "no trespassing" then you can shoot the fellow!

  4. Your evening shot is my favourite.

  5. A lovely mix of photographs and I do like what you've done in the last image, great colours.

    All the best Jan

  6. Haha - No Nothing! Quite recently a Finnish blog fiend of mine posted about forbidden signs. Sometimes it seems that _everything_ is a big no, no. I love your abstract edit ❤︎

  7. Lovely flowers and evening sky. The trespassers must be annoying. I wouldn't like people invading my privacy.


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