April 13, 2019

Furry Friends and Grackles

The handsome dog is one that I don't know. I snapped a picture of him because I liked how he looks.

The grackles visit my yard and eat more than their share of bird seed. I wish they weren't so greedy! They scare off the smaller birds. It won't be an issue much longer because it's time to stop feeding the birds until winter. Bears live in our area and will smell bird seed and come destroy the feeders. As much as I admire bears, I don't want them near my house.

The deer lives in Shenandoah National Park. I often see deer there, especially late in the day.

The horse lives in Clarke County. 


  1. ...and when I'm out, I see deer early in the morning lol. Oh yes, those grackles can be "oinkers", for sure!
    I am here to send you my thanks for linking in with us at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend.

  2. Hello, love the cute deer and the cute doggie. Great captures of the Grackles. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day! PS, thanks so much for leaving me a comment.

  3. Grackles are beautiful birds, but noisy! Love the deer and would love to give the pup a pet. Have a great day!

  4. Great creature photos! The dog is a handsome one. He and the deer both look like they were posing for you.

  5. Oh yes, bears! They abound in the Asheville area (of which Black Mountain is a part) and already destroyed my first attempt at bird feeding (at another apartment.) They have become a nuisance by getting into garbage when it's left out before being picked up. So now I listen to and watch whatever birds comes around that fly somewhere else to eat.

  6. Looks like that dog is giving you the side eye.

  7. You've got a great collection of critters here Linda, I especially like the deer.

    All the best Jan

  8. too bad bear don't scare those grackles away LOL

  9. I know the Grackels are an annoyance but I think they are beautiful :) Love your deer. It looks somewhat different from ours.


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