March 13, 2019

Red Barns, Red Birds

Today's post is brought to you by the color red.
The barns are near Woodstock, Virginia.

The birds are in my back yard.
  • Cardinal
  • House Finch
  • Pileated Woodpecker.


  1. awesome captures of our feathered friends. i adore the picture of the cardinal, so natural and candid!!

    the barns are pretty as well, red always seems to be the perfect color for a barn!!

  2. Great photos, love the woodpecker. Have a good day Diane

  3. Lovely birds and barns. I wonder why red was chosen for the paint color of barns...though there are also white ones.

  4. Hello, love the barns and the birds. Great photos. Have a happy day!

  5. Nice collection of reds. I like the barn with the cows in front of it.

  6. The woodpecker is my favourite of the set.

  7. love those woodpeckers. Each barn has a feel to it and many stories of use and play. We often explored one near our home and played a lot in it.Prairie Castles I call them.

  8. Wonderful photos with that bright pop of red.

  9. i always call the woodpecker "Woody" ...he visits around here often. so pretty. love a country barn. so great for pics. happy days! ( ;

  10. ...Linda, a great red theme post! Who doesn't love red barns and reed birds! Thanks for sharing.


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