January 23, 2019

Geese on Lake in January

We had some cold, wintry weather and part of the lake froze. Geese and ducks tend to sit on ice at the edge of unfrozen water, when possible.

The tracks along the edge of the lake were probably made by the fox that marched past the trail cam . 

The Canada geese seem to prefer landing and                    taking off on the open water.

Temperatures warmed up today and much of the ice melted. I heard honking outside and saw that geese appeared to be having a party!  They were flying short distances and landing noisily.

Have fun, geese! I like warmer days too!


  1. Linda,

    I'm always in awe how these birds aren't bothered by the icy cold water like this but then that's the way God designed them. You captured some excellent shots of these feathered friends in their beautiful wintry home! Boy, does this ever make me cold just looking at these images!! Thanks for linking and sharing! ;)

  2. Hello, pretty views of the ducks and geese. Have a happy day!

  3. i think snow always looks nice. makes everything look extra amazing. ( ;

  4. I've seen geese having a "goose party" before also, and they do seem to be happy at those times!

  5. You would think they would have cold feet

  6. So that's where the ones from here have gone for the winter!

  7. I love seeing those beautiful white geese. Seems rare to see them anymore.

  8. Beautiful shots! I am so happy to have found your blog! I am now following...you can follow back if you wish at anbstersdomain.blogspot.com

  9. I enjoy seeing your photos of the geese. I bet they are entertaining to watch.

  10. They're beautiful on that snowy ground! Awesome shots!


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