December 17, 2018

Mid-December Random-osity

The Good:  This mural in the Strasburg Post Office was painted in 1938 by Sarah Blakeslee. Called Apple Orchard, this was created under a New Deal program that provided art in public buildings.

It is mounted under glass over a door. I was unable to totally eliminate the glare cast by fluorescent ceiling lights but I did fade the reflection and restore some of the color using Photoshop.

Monday Murals.
 The Random: These are rural summertime scenes that I combined in a collage.
Sharing with Mosaic Monday and The Farm Collective.

The Fun: I got a thrill today by seeing my daughter Marie listed in The Matriarchy Power List: 29 Women Who Took Over The World In 2018. "Refinery29 has chosen the 29 women actively reshaping American culture in their image—and yours."

Marie is #5 on this list, which includes some pretty famous people.  She has been in the comic book industry since serving a college internship with a major publisher in New York.


  1. congratulation to your daughter and you as a mom.
    have a great day

  2. You've done a great job with the glare of the mural Linda. Great find and thanks for contributing.
    Congratulations to your daughter for being included in that great list and congratulations to you, the Mother for raising a wonderful modern and intelligent woman.

  3. Love the mural, and she's the first woman artist I've heard of from the WPA. Your daughter must deserve her award, but you didn't say what she has accomplished that they chose her for, or is it the background? Congrats to both of you, as the acorn must fall from the tree.

  4. Good for Marie! I did see the note about her at Facebook yesterday. She's certainly worked her way up in the field.

  5. Linda - congratulations to you and your daughter. I went to the link and scanned a few of the other women - she is truly in a rarefied group! I have a special place in my heart for apple orchards since we had several apple trees in our yard during my childhood years. Lovely painting. Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday, and enjoy the rest of your week!

  6. Congrats to your Marie! You must be over the moon with joy, Linda. Good for Marie and good for you and good for us all. Awesome! :-)

  7. Congratulations to your daughter Linda. That's very impressive, and you deserve those congratulations too. I also enjoyed your post. I like the look of the 1938 painting in the Strasburg Post Office (you did a real nice job toning down the glare), and also liked the way you have placed your photos in the collage. Thanks for this interesting post and enjoy the rest of your week :)

  8. Congrats to your daughter (and her mom too).... the collage was fun!

  9. I like the summertime scenes. Congratulations to your daughter!

  10. Many congratulations to your daughter.
    I like the mural.

    All the best Jan

  11. Congratulations to your daughter! You must be so proud.

  12. Congratulations to you and your daughter! A great mural. Wishing Happy & Healthy 2019!


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