December 12, 2018

Canada Geese on a Cold December Day.


  1. Wonderful photos - I love watching birds and geese are fun to watch.

  2. Hello, great series on the geese. I have seen them in water that is nearly frozen, I felt sorry for them. I guess they can stay warm. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

    1. If they were too cold, they could fly south!

  3. What magnificent creatures they are...and their flight is so fun to watch. I often hear honking overhead, but can't figure out where they are behind trees/ they fly by. They even have a creaking sound of their wings sometimes.

  4. I still don't know why we call them Canada geese if they can't put up with a Canadian winter. :)

    Wonderful shots!

  5. Enjoyed your photos. Lots of Canada Geese here, but I never get tired of seeing them.

  6. Nice shots. They don't seem to mind the cold at all.

  7. Love set of photos. Keep well Diane

  8. Many birds migrate due to severe winter.
    Beautiful photos.
    Have a grat day


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