November 2, 2018

Various Pictures from this Week.

1. The past week has been very busy, but we did make time to view the fall colors, which were late but burst out on the mountains last weekend and made their way to the valley on Wednesday.  I took this picture yesterday in Orkney Springs.

2. I'm fairly certain these small flowers belong to a witch hazel tree.

3. Here's a shot of larger flowers, which happen to be reaching through a fence.

4. I saw these pumpkins today, next to a fence.

5. On Tuesday I met Lynn and drove to Baltimore with her. She had stitches removed and that's a long way for her to go from her home. The picture shows her coming out of John's Family Restaurant in West Virginia.

6. I had some blood drawn this morning before breakfast. Afterwards I noticed that my face was puffy. Fortunately I looked a little better later on. This cell-phone selfie was at Sky Meadows State Park this afternoon. I took other pictures too, but with a regular camera.

Later I stopped at Martin's and checked with the pharmacist about vaccines. They had the flu shot without neomycin (to which I'm allergic)  but they didn't have the shingles shot. I had a shingles shot two months ago and I'm supposed to get a second one between two and six months later. Anyway, I did get the flu vaccine for the first time in years. It didn't really hurt but I felt crummy later.  In case you haven't heard, predictions are for a severe form of influenza this season.


  1. ...the Common Witchhazel in number 2 is a fall treat. Thanks for sharing, Linda. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I have never tried the witch hazel but it stays unique even in the cold months with the dried foliage

  3. Your first photograph is my favourite, beautiful colours.

    All the best Jan

  4. That first shot is just classic for your area in the fall. Love it! I never get a flu shot and thus far I have avoided any issues ….

  5. We always get flu shots and did already this year, wanted the new shingles vac but decided we better wait until we get to Florida to start b/c thought we should get both doses at the same place.

  6. Lovely fall pictures. I really like that first one a lot.


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