November 4, 2018

Autumn Trees and a Chapel

This has been an autumn unlike any I've seen. The colors came very late, and some trees shed their leaves as soon as the temperatures dropped. Still, we have some nice colors now. The collage shows some leaves at Shrine Mont in Orkney Springs, Virginia.

This little chapel is used in inclement weather. On nice Sundays, services are held in the outdoor cathedral

Next we see the view looking downhill from the chapel's entrance. Finally, we have interior views of the little chapel, which I've always found to be open.

I'm sharing the collages with Mosaic Monday, now hosted by Angie for the first time. This post is also joining Black and White Weekend and InSpired Sunday.

I hope you had a nice weekend and the coming week is peaceful!


  1. It sounds like your autumn has been much like ours. I love the little chapel.

  2. Wonderful, that chapel has to be one of the best I have seen

  3. ...that's a wonderful chapel.

  4. Hello, lovely images and beautiful fall colors. The chapel is pretty. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  5. What a beautiful place! Lovely post.

  6. That little chapel looks so charming and peaceful. I like the stone walls.

  7. The chapel is quite different from what one would expect!

  8. What a beautiful little chapel!

  9. I enjoy an outdoor service,and have went to one I like just to be part of it.

  10. It looks so beautiful. Makes me wish I could walk there and pick up colorful leaves to dry! Enjoy your week!

  11. Great spot. I like that little chapel. Happy Mosaic Monday to you!

  12. I love the pathway to the chapel. I've been up on the Parkway everyday for a week checking out foliage scenes. Very late and now finally but you have to look hard for the splashes of bright colors.

  13. Linda - thanks so much for the shout out in your post! This is the sort of chapel just meant for worship - right out there with nature! I look forward to more woodsy views in future MM posts!

  14. It's different but beautiful.
    Nice to see your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  15. What a rustic and charming chapel in the woods.


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