September 2, 2018

Lutheran Church Near Shenandoah, VA.

The town called "Shenandoah" is in Page County. Not far from town is this handsome brick church, St. Paul's Lutheran Church. (Many churches are named after St. Paul.) This church was built in 1927 but its roots date back to 1782.

A sign next to the parking lot commemorates a Brick Church School which stood nearby from 1896 to 1918. Some foundation stones are still there. The photo on the upper-right of the sign shows a different school, which now stands in Luray.

Behind the sign is a pretty view of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Across the road (U.S. 340) is a farm. The long buildings appear to be poultry houses. Other farms are nearby.


  1. Beautiful church!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. I think I have said this before - but there are lots of features in these church buildings that have echoes of buildings in Melbourne - I assume they are of a similar age.

    Cheers - Stewart M, Melbourne

  3. ...Linda, nice Virginia views. Beautiful church and it's hard to miss these low long chicken barns. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. The church is beautiful, but I really enjoy the views of the mountains and of the country side.

  5. Love the windows of that church. I might have to take a ride ;)

    1. There are at least 3 lovely churches in that area along 340.

  6. There's nothing more interesting than church architecture,especially if you know the history!

  7. Trinity Lutheran church in Augusta county my ancestors.
    Michael keinadt came in 1772.. Name evolved to Koiner kiner Coiner Coyner
    Mother was Coyner
    Father was Coiner!! West Virginia!! Have visited the church and cemetery! Maybe close to you?

  8. That church definitely is a beauty.

    Yes, one of the Lutheran churches here is named St. Paul.

  9. That is a distinguished looking church. I love the mountain view.


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