August 13, 2018

My Dogs Over the Years


  1. Gorgeous pups, I had a Ben too. Sorry that you missed the new MM deadline, hope to see you next week.

  2. August 18 is "international homeless animals day" to honour all the strays in the world. Your animals were fortunate to have had such a loving home!

  3. Enjoyed seeing your dog family from over the years. Lovely post!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! I wasn’t ready to write a blog post about it last night but will do so soon.

  5. Oh Linda, That is Flash crossing the Rainbow Bridge isn’t it? I am so sorry. He was fortunate to have a happy life with you and you were blessed to have him in yours.

  6. The dogs you owned over the years were blessed to have you as you were blessed to have them. Thinking of you.

  7. We never forget these true little friends!


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