August 4, 2018

Geese and Other Creatures, Summertime.

It's Saturday so it's time to post some critter photos for Viewing Nature with Eileen and I'd Rather B' Birdin'.  This first picture of geese also works for Weekend Reflections.

I don't know the young lady but she saw me admiring her dog and did not seem to mind if I took a picture.

Speaking of dogs, Flash is hanging in there in spite of his age and heart condition. He no longer likes dog food, even the special ones he was eating before our trip to the beach. I may have spoiled him by wrapping his pills in treats. Also, he won't eat anything that's not really fresh. Is it possible for a dog to be histamine-sensitive? I seem to be, making me wonder whether there is a common cause for this condition. Also, I seem to have become allergic to chicken, while he has been allergic to it for many years. How strange is that?

I saw a cute painting of squirrels in an antique store window.


  1. This post has a good, happy feeling all the way through! That top photo with the reflection is so beautiful!

    Hope you're enjoying your weekend & thanks for linking in with us at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

  2. Lovely post and well done Flash. Many years ago I had a Great Dane who as he got older refused to eat anything other than steak, thank goodnes in those days it was not as expensive as it is now! Cheers Diane

    1. Oh dear! Flash likes steak but he still eats various hamburger dishes, although some of the fast food burgers he won't eat.

  3. Hello, wonderful critters and post. I love the geese and your sweet Flash. I wish him well. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead! PS, thanks for the comment on my blog.

  4. A deer! Always fun to see a deer!

  5. Beautiful shots of the ducks, but LOVE the pup!

  6. i really enjoy seeing swans, grouped together, looking out for each other. but for me, nothing beats the deer, they are such beautiful, inquisitive animals!!

    beautiful pictures today!!

  7. Splendid shots! Always good to see Flash.

  8. Love that first geese shot … beak to tail! Hope Flash gets his appetite back!

  9. Beautiful white geese! Sweet Flash. I wouldn't even be surprised if that painting of squirrels was made from life -- I can imagine them just making themselves at home like that.

  10. Fantastic critter shots, Linda. It's always nice to see Flash and hearing his latest news.

  11. I love the deer photo. Flash always has such a sweet expression on his face. I hope you can find something he likes and will eat without too much trouble.


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