July 11, 2018

Geese and Other Birds in My Yard.

Canada Geese.

A redwing blackbird was at the edge of the lake minding her own business, when another bird of the same species hopped up and jumped on her. I wasn't shooting video so you'll have to take my word for it. 

Our Carolina Wrens have been singing prettily. Sweet birds!

Finches are raising babies in a birdhouse over our deck. They don't like me to get close; I use a zoom to get their pictures or crop the image, sometimes both.


  1. All those sweet birds! The Canada Geese will always be a favorite of mine, feisty and sassy I call them :)

  2. ...nice collection! 😀

  3. Great set of photos, you are lucky to have all these birds so closeby. Have good day Diane

  4. Hello, pretty variety of birds. I like the cute wrens. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  5. Some birds are more wary of passersby than others, but especially so when they're nesting. Excellent shots!

  6. I like looking at the particular shape of the beaks of finches!

  7. Nice collection of our winged friends!

  8. Those wrens always have such a happy song

  9. Lovely mix of bird photos. My favorites are the finch shots.

  10. Great bird photos! Carolina Wrens are so much fun!
    Your Red-winged Blackbirds are males. That could be a territorial dispute between the two birds.
    Hope you are having a good week!


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