July 20, 2018

Friday Flowers

Willy Nilly Friday and Floral Friday

Orange You Glad It’s Friday?

Wow, I had trouble with this post! I tried to create it using my iPad but could not get the photos to show up. Finally I switched to my cell phone and loaded the pictures from there. I took them with my cell phone anyway, but it prefer to work from a larger screen.

I got this to post just a minute before midnight. Then I went back to my iPad to refine the format, type text, and add tags. I’m still struggling with the links. (Sigh!)

Clickable links are in the left column.


  1. I was wondering how to add photos and have been unsuccessful with my iPad. I will try my phone now. Thanks for the tip. Great photos! Love the colorful blooms.

  2. ...wonderful colors of summer. I don't know how to do much more than view my blog on my iPad. Thanks for stopping by Linda, enjoy your weekend. 😀

  3. Beautiful flowers! Posting to Blogger seems to bring new challenges every week.

  4. The clock and summer blooms particularly stands out!

  5. I can't do the blog on the iPad either!

  6. These are all lovely photographs, the colours in them are just great.

    All the best Jan

  7. Lovely collection of flowers!

  8. Nothing beats summer for flowers - color everywhere you look. Especially love the bicycle.


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