May 30, 2018

End of May, Shenandoah Valley

Sharing with Wordless Wednesday and
The Barn Collective


  1. Your part of the country is just gorgeous, no matter the season!

  2. This is why I love living in Virginia. You have captured it perfectly. Thanks Linda!

  3. ...where does the time go? Many of these scene could be found in the hills of New York State, we both are fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful countryside. Thanks Linda for stopping by, enjoy your day.

  4. Lovely views. Thanks for giving a glimpse to us!

  5. It's those heights that really draw my eye.

  6. such a lovely green world and I love the old wheels :)

  7. We ended May with rain, rain, rain, so I especially enjoyed your photos from your beautiful valley.


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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