November 7, 2017

Korean War Memorial

Winchester, Virginia


  1. I didn’t know there was a Korean War Memorial in Winchester. I will have to visit it. We are going to the town in a few days, to take our friend out to lunch. Enjoyed your photos Linda, thanks for sharing them.

  2. ...but where are the peace memorials?

  3. Very nice, when I go to events they are the oldest, with very few WWII vets.

  4. A fitting memorial. It's been awhile since I've photographed our Korean War memorial.

  5. So important to remember our heros. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Ver um memorial me faz lembrar de tempos de guerra, quantas vidas perdidas. Choro muito quando assisto filmes de guerra, principalmente os verídicos em histórias. Absorvo o sofrimento. bj

  7. Surely a well-deserved monument -- that last picture brings immediate tears -- so poignant. When will we ever learn?

  8. Nice pictures. The boots leave a moving impression.

  9. What interesting and solemn reminders of the past. Great images.

  10. That is a war the is forgotten about by most people but affected quite a few country's. I come across the odd name on a memorial in a church from time to time of some one lost in it


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