November 17, 2017

Four Cell Phone Photos and One Complaint

1. On Tuesday I met Lynn for lunch in Harrisonburg. Our plan was to meet at Bob Evans Restaurant but it was closed. So we went to the nearby mall and ate at Country Cookin'.

2. This is a picture I snapped with my phone while touring an art studio near Flint Hill a few weeks ago. I was trying to show the lines of trees but reflections of the room lights showed up. Let's call them special effects!

Sharing with Weekend Reflection

3. I was at Samuels Library and was surprised to find The True Believer among the new books. I read this book when I was in high school and it made quite an impression on me. Subtitled Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements, the book remains topical even though it was first published in 1951. Highly recommended.

Sharing with Orange You Glad It's Friday
4. We were in Harper's Ferry last weekend and the bluegrass band was playing in a shop.They sounded good!

5. This final image is the non-cellphone one. It's a reminder that I typed over a photo that I took some time ago.

We've been working on figuring out which medicare plan is the wisest choice for 2018. I'm not thrilled with Humana Medicare Advantage so I want to change, perhaps to the plan I had in 2016. Going through all the options and prices is about as easy as doing income tax when you itemize! (In other words, it's difficult and unrewarding. You may as well throw a dart at a chart!) 

Have a good weekend!


  1. Medicare is just fine, for as long it lasts!

  2. Hello, Great selfie shot. The view of the trees is pretty. Good luck with your healthcare choice. Have a happy weekend!

  3. too many choices, what a mess to wade through

  4. Your bluegrass band is my favourite of these.

  5. The healthcare process sounds complicated and that's not good. I had never heard about the True Believer. Sounds interesting so I'll be checking it out.
    Have a wonderful weekend Linda.

  6. Some lovely snaps from your life. I love the colours in the trees. Your Medicare sounds vastly different from ours - we have one and it is automatically applied. Your's sounds more like our choices for electricity or mobile phone providers. And yes, I empathise with the dart method, though the evil part of me would prefer the dart land in specific places :D

    Hope you are having a great weekend.

    Best wishes,


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