November 29, 2016

A Train Goes to Strasburg

When I was young and lived in Alexandria, a neighbor worked for the railroad. He regularly rode the train to Strasburg, where he also had a residence. But few trains go to Strasburg now, and none of them carry passengers. There is one train that still goes there several times a week, usually in the middle of the night. I hear it rumbling past, blowing it's lonesome whistle to warn traffic. If I'm still up, I sometimes look out to see the lights as it passes on the other side of the lake. It's a short train and passes by quickly.

One day in September I was surprised to hear it pass by during the daytime. I happened to be going to Strasburg shortly after that so I drove down a side road in town and saw it stopped beside one of the factories.

Here we see the train passing our neighborhood that day. It's not a very clear photo because I grabbed the camera and snapped a picture through the window.

The final shot is an October scene. It shows the railroad bridge across the North Fork of the Shenandoah. 

Sharing with Tuesday Treasures and Our World Tuesday


  1. The old railway bridge is stunning in Autumn!

  2. Trains are such an important part of the history of this country. That bridge scene is gorgeous! Thanks Linda for stopping by, I hope to see you again.

  3. I like to listen to trains, my last house I could tell each nighttime crossing

  4. Your final shot is stunningly beautiful!

  5. Wow - that last shot is glorious!

  6. a great story going with your images. Loved it. And the image of the bridge. :)

  7. I like that first shot. That's a neat perspective.


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