September 16, 2016

Mid-September Miscellany

1. Photo Friday has had a makeover! Now they'll display photos and the page has a snazzy new look. This week's challenge is #autumn_2016. We don't have fall foliage yet in Virginia but stores have autumn-themed decorations.
Orange You Glad It's Friday!
2. The town of Edinburg holds the annual Ole Time Festival this weekend. The town's main attraction is probably the old mill which is also a museum. 

Skywatch Friday and My Town Shoot Out
3. Look, it's a teddy bear posing for Weekend Reflections! Thanks, little bear!

4. Last weekend our homeowners association held the annual meeting in the community pavilion by the river. An increase in dues was announced. People weren't too happy about that, but they still had a pleasant picnic after the meeting.

5. Lynn and her friend Barb went camping and attended a concert. They stopped by for a brief visit on their way home. It's nice seeing friends and family!


  1. The bear's reflection is nice and I like the light highlighting the curtain. No one likes their fees raised. Hope you are getting your moneys worth from the homeowners association. I knew people who disliked their leaders and agenda.

  2. Nice shots. That's a cute teddy bear. I'm glad you had a nice visit with Lynn and Barb.

  3. that is a great looking mill! the teddy bear reflection is cute! thank you for linking linda!


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