September 5, 2016

Ghosts of a Headache Remedy

Front Royal, VA 
"Take Bromo Seltzer for Headache" 

Under that (or is it over?) is painted another version that just says Bromo Seltzer in huge letters.

I used a sharpening filter and increased the contrast in the vertical version so you can read the letters.

Sharing with Monday Murals


  1. Wow, a DOUBLE ghost sign. It's like the past is trying to talk to us. What a lucky find. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  2. I like those old ads on buildings. They must have been popular back in the day, Nice find.

  3. What a neat old sign! I love those brick buildings.

  4. I see a lot of ads like this and enjoy the art. Neve tried Bromo, but remember it in a dispenser at the soda fountain, where you could get it by the single dose

  5. Very cool find Linda, wonder how old they are, 1950's maybe? I wonder if the Bromo actually worked?

  6. Yes, I see those ghost letters. Neat photo.

  7. I love the signs on older buildings too. You did good.


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