June 10, 2016

Five Random Shots for 10 June

1. PhotoFriday has "Ocean" as the challenge this week. Since we haven't been to the ocean this year, I looked back in my old files and pulled out an image from 15 years ago. This is the Atlantic Ocean seen from a beach in Delaware.

Also sharing with Orange You Glad It's Friday

2. Speaking of old photos, here's one I took of my sister when she was a teenager. Wasn't she cute!

3. We've been looking at smaller homes including some in retirement communities. One of the nicer subdivisions appears to be at Lake Frederick, but the monthly homeowner's fee is high. I don't mind paying for lawn care services, but do we really need a deluxe clubhouse with swimming pools? Would we use them very often? When we lived in Bryce Resort, we rarely used the resort amenities.
A Street at Lake Frederick
4. We have well water and yesterday Frank flushed out our pipes using bleach. The smell bothered me so I put Flash in the car and went for a ride. I picked up some food at Popeye's and ate in the car. A little later I got out of the car for just a few moments to take pictures of the pretty sunset. It wasn't until I got home that I discovered that during my absence, Flash had reached up between the seats and gotten my almost-empty container of beans and rice and pulled it into the back seat and licked it clean!  Oh well, here's the sunset, which I'm sharing with Skywatch Friday

5. Here's a picture for Feline Art Friday and Weekend Reflections. I took the photo from across the water and it looked rather dim, so I deepened the colors in Photoshop and added a painterly texture.

I hope you have a good weekend and do something fun!


  1. Some very pretty sky shots. Flash sounds like a rascal!!

  2. Some lovely shots. Flash could have eaten the bones also if you had chicken. I had a dog eat 2 dozen bratwurst and wasn't sure if that was good for him. My vet said I wouldn't let him in the house, and at first thought it was a punishment, before i realized he might give them back.

  3. A lovely collection of photo's here.
    I particularly like the 1st and 4th

    All the best Jan

  4. I love the beach and sunset shots. I guess Flash was hungry, the scamp! :)

  5. Beautiful beach and sky. Flash sounds like he's a rascal. The smell of bleach can make my head ache ... UGH. Pretty images. Have a great week.

  6. Beautiful set of photos. I love that sky image. It seems Flash is a very smart dog. He got what he wanted--a take away.

  7. Hello, pretty sky shots. We looked into some retirement communities too, the monthly fees are kind of high. Flash was just hungry. Cute shot of your sister. Happy weekend to you!

  8. Oh, Flash! Well, I hope he liked it.

    Beautiful ocean shot. It seems Delaware is so often overlooked, but I wouldn't mind exploring the state.

  9. Nice shots! I think the top one is my favorite.

  10. Great variety of photos. The 'feline art' made me smile.


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