May 13, 2016

Battle of Front Royal

Last weekend's reenactment of the Battle of Front Royal was the first. Most Civil War reenactments take place on fields, not in a city. But the actual battle happened on the streets of town in May 1862, and that's what the organizers wanted to show.

Fortunately Front Royal is experienced at closing down it's historic streets for parades, so the usual barricades went up and the event went smoothly.


  1. I had never heard of this particular battle Linda. Great photos of the reenactment.

  2. Looks fun to watch. I went to a small one yesterday.

  3. This is the sort of thing I'd love to see. Years ago there was a re-enactment near a town where I grew up, just when I happened to be in the area. I still should have gone, but there was a wedding in the family, and I couldn't have gotten out of that one.

  4. I too had never heard of this battle. The participants look like they are taking their roles seriously.

  5. Maybe one day I'll make it to a reenactment. I know one time there was one in a little town like a couple hours from us. I just never made it there

  6. These are great photos. I would imagine this was quite interesting to watch.

  7. Such great photo's, and so colourful.

    All the best Jan


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