April 6, 2016

Neighborhood Geese

We live next to a community lake so we see geese every day: Canada Geese, Graylag Geese, Domestic Geese, and various hybrids. They leave the yard messy but they're fun to watch.

I have way too many pictures of geese so I'm moving a big folder of them into the "cloud." These are some I wanted to share before removing from my hard drive.


  1. What a beautiful open space for them to fly in.

  2. Ours are mostly giant Canada's then a few strangers during spring migrations...

  3. They are beautiful captures of these birds. Mostly during the season we see Canada geese mixed in with the ducks. The first of the geese I've seen this spring was on the 19th of March.

  4. Lovely shots. In the third photo the one with his wings spread looks like he is singing and dancing.

  5. Most of the big flocks of Canadians are staying out on the rivers more than nearby fields.

  6. Nice pics, especially your last one!

  7. Love those wings in flight in the first photo. And the second last photo shows great detail of spread wings.


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