March 26, 2016

Feathers Flying

It's spring and a young gander's fancy turns to lady geese. There may be some competition and fighting first, so we hear a commotion and later see feathers scattered on the grass. Sometimes the struggle seems alarming, with a couple of geese ganging up to drive one off. And the lady usually runs off, or flies a short distance while her suitor pursues.

These geese don't fly much, unlike the Canada Geese which sometimes soar for miles. I don't know how they work it out when they pair up with a Canada Goose, but they do seem to stay together so the Canadian must curb his flying instinct somehow to stay with his mate and goslings. 


  1. Great action shots Linda. That time of the year again. I was watching the antics of the Canada Geese as I was walking the other day. There sure was a lot of flapping and honking going on.

  2. Hello, They look beautiful in your photos of them with their wings wide open.

  3. Fantastic photos !!
    Happy Easter !!

  4. Extraordinary images!! Awwwww, is in the air!

    I would like to convey my thanks for your sharing of wonderful birds and photos today and adding your link at I'd Rather B Birdin'. It's always a pleasure visiting with you.

  5. Happy Easter Linda! Great shots of the Geese! Soon there will be the cute goslings. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  6. i love to listen to them. I ordered 4 Africans this spring.

  7. Linda - I just love these photo's.

    Hope you are having a lovely Easter Weekend

    All the best Jan

  8. Great photos. Happy Easter!

  9. Great captures of the action!

  10. Some great displays in these shots!

  11. I've seen the antics of geese and ducks during courtship. It can be very comical.

  12. interesting and fun images :) Loved it!

  13. I love the way the light is in that last shot. Nice pictures!


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