January 19, 2016

Three Random Photos for Four Linkups

For today's three unrelated photos, I'm using the Good, Random and Fun format. 

The Good: Isn't it great to be able to get old photos scanned into digital form? Youngsters may not even realize that digital images weren't always around! Remember when we looked at photos on paper or sometimes projected onto a screen? This first image was actually a slide from a several decades ago and I recently had it scanned. It shows a sculpture on the national mall with the Washington Monument in the background. I shot it at dusk from a low angle so the sculpture looks much bigger than it really was.
Sharing with Through My Lens

The Random: Frank likes to browse real estate magazines and he saw this old inn. He insisted we drive 90 minutes to Churchville to take a look and see if we'd want to buy it. (We don't.) It's historic: an old stage coach stop on a road that became the Staunton-Petersburg Turnpike, now known as U.S. 250.

It's currently a bed and breakfast and it's for sale. Once it was a bustling restaurant but the septic system is no longer suitable for use by large groups. I'm sharing this picture with Tuesday's Treasures

The Fun: I met this youngster at an event and he was having fun. Isn't he cute! Kids know how to enjoy themselves!
Sharing with Our World Tuesday


  1. Thanks Linda for joining Tuesday's Treasures this week. Our Churchville is only a 45 minute drive away, but doesn't have such a stately treasure as you are showing. I hope that more treasures come you way.

  2. 'The Good' certainly caught my eye. Super shot!

  3. That first photo is incredible! Great film photography!!! Love the B&B...oh how I'd love to own that place, or at least stay there!

  4. Oh, that sculpture line up is so cool. And I love the classic house decorated for Christmas.

  5. the little boy is cute and i just love that old house!

  6. The bed and breakfast particularly appeals to me!

  7. That bed and breakfast looks so grand. I love the big wrap-around porch on two levels.

  8. Oh, I so love your photo linked to Tuesday's Treasures. It sure is a beautiful old place.

  9. That sculpture shot has a wonderful perspective as it looks the same height as the monument. That old inn is lovely.

  10. Lovely shots - and that kid is just adorable!


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