September 6, 2015

Photo Blind

Bird blinds have been around for centuries but they used to be crude shelters used by hunters. Now they are popular with photographers, especially in open marshy areas where you want to observe the birds without scaring them off.

This one is in Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Maryland. I was there on a rainy morning and did not see any birds from the blind.


  1. A shame that you didn't see birds, but you found a great black and white photo! Wonderful lines and textures.

  2. This is a great photo and I like the perspective.

  3. Oh gosh, I wish someone would build a couple of those down at the lake! Nice shot in black and white.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Neat perspective on this one.

  5. Ain't got time to watch birds. Enjoy their 'tunes' but that's about it. hahahahahaha

  6. I love that bird blind in black and white. So rustic!

  7. Again. love the way that you've worked the black and white photo ... really adds to the post I think.

    All the best Jan

  8. My husband used to hunt out of blinds like this. I would rather he didn't hunt at all but he hunted when I met him and He will probably hunt for the rest of his life


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