September 21, 2015

Good, Random, Fun — September 21

Here it is Monday already and we are well into September. Time is flying by, but at least I can participate in the Random-osity blog hop and share a few miscellaneous items.

First, it's good when neighbors get together. The Shenandoah River Lakes Property Owners Association finally met, delayed a week by a heavy storm. The only officers who were able to attend were Frank and the president, Michael Kominek. Still, the necessary business got done and a meal followed in the community's picnic shelter.

Random: Here's a mural I saw on our trip to the Eastern Shore. It shows a man raking crabs, a popular way of obtaining seafood in the Chincoteague area. I'm sharing this with Monday Murals, with apologies for the plastic pipes and utility covers in the foreground.

The Fun: I enjoy historical tours, and Hardy County Heritage Days are almost here. This picture from last year shows a  young re-enactor in Moorefield.

This is the time of year when there are so many events every Saturday that I can't attend all the ones that I want to see. I can't even keep track because there are so many! Some (but not all) are listed on ShenandoahValleyWeb. Y'all come!


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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