August 15, 2015

School Yard Deer

I've seen a deer on the grounds of Warren County Middle School before, but today we saw two. I pulled over to take pictures but other cars just passed by without even slowing down. I think town residents are so accustomed to seeing deer here that they don't bother to look!

This is in Front Royal, not far from Shenandoah National Park, so deer wander around town to the point of being a nuisance. They help themselves to shrubbery and other plants, although here they were eating fruit (cherries?) that fell from the trees. They were not bothered by the passing traffic.

The school itself was built with WPA funds and opened as a high school in 1940.  It later became a middle school, although a newer middle school is now in the works.


  1. Beautiful animals! Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. I have seen a lot of deer too. I still enjoy seeing them every time. Great shots! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day!

  3. Wonderful animal and photos. Greetings!

  4. Oh what a wonderful sight! Can't believe people were just ignoring them, but as you said, they probably see them all the time. :-) Love your pictures. They know they are safe there.

  5. They are lovely photo's.
    Such beautiful animals.

    All the best Jan

  6. They are lovely photo's.
    Such beautiful animals.

    All the best Jan

  7. I like seeing deer. They are so pretty and graceful. I know some consider them a nuisance though.

  8. Deer can be funny how they react.

    They run away when they see me in the backyard (aka the woods) in West Virginia, but a few miles away at the golf course they are so used to people that they just stand there and go about their business.

  9. The first two look like bookends! Pretty, but they can do some damage.

  10. I like seeing them too. They can be skittish at times.


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