August 1, 2015

Piggy Squirrel

Doesn't his nose look a bit like a pig's snout?


  1. Cute picture. Squirrels don't get close for a picture here. We have some 4 legged patrols who love to give chase.

  2. Getting fat for the winter...and it's not even close to winter!

  3. So cute! I have to agree with the others, he looks very well fed.

  4. Up close and personal. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. Funny, a squirrel with a pig nose? He/she is cute! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day!

  6. Haha, interesting observation!

  7. He does have kind of a pig nose! Nice close up shot of him.

  8. I was going to say "Look, Squirrel Nutkin" then I read your comment and had to laugh. :-)


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