July 15, 2015

The Muscovy Family

Suddenly the variety of geese and ducks on our pond has expanded. Mr. and Mrs. Muscovy have appeared with their little ones! 

Since seeing them the first time on Saturday, we've noticed that the number of ducklings seems to have gotten smaller and one of the little guys is limping. Perhaps they are not used to living here with foxes and snapping turtles around. I wish them well. 


  1. I've never seen these kind of ducks here. They look like real characters!

  2. I hope the little ones fair well.

  3. I have never seen the young of this duck before so the shots were great for me.

  4. I love the last photo. The little ones are so cute.

  5. Poor babies...I hope they do well also! great photos of the family.

  6. I love the cute ducklings, Great shots of the family.

  7. Our geese all left our area. It doesn't make me sad because my Grandkids couldn't even go outside without tramping in their mess.


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