July 2, 2015

Civil War Trails, Hillsboro, WV

There are two Civil War interpretive signs near the Pearl S. Buck birthplace in Hillsboro, WV.  Both tell about the Union Army Camp that was here in November 1863. I believe the first one is older so I'll provide the text. You can read the other one on Historical Marker Database. 

Yankee Army Camp
John D. Sutton, 10th West Virginia Infantry, wrote, "The army went into camp in the levels between Mill Point and Hillsboro." These fields were later owned by 2nd Lt. Matthew John McNeel, Company F, 19th Virginia Cavalry, and the Capt. Edgar estate. In plain view of his camp was the large, brick home of Col. Paul McNeel, a member for Pocahontas County in the convention at Richmond that declared secession. Col. McNeel's son was a Confederate captain in McNeil's Rangers. Averell reportedly spent the night either in the home of Col. Paul McNeel or in the Presbyterian Manse.

Eight-year-old C.L. Stulting lived on the farm with Hermannus and Johannah Staulting (ancestors of Pearl S. Buck). Staulting wrote "around 6 o'clock, we were all sitting around the breakfast table unaware of there being any soldiers in our neighborhood, when we heard the firing of army guns just outside of the house."

While camped here, Union General William W. Averell developed a plan of attack on Confederate forces at nearby Droop Mountain.

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  1. So much history and Civil War stories are in this area! Great fence shots. HAPPY 4th of July!

  2. beautiful fence line and green pastures steeped in history.

  3. A war that certainly came right home and divided families, particularly in that part of the country.

  4. I like to find signs that tell a story. Tom The Backroads Traveller


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