April 11, 2015

Goose Yoga

geese in twisted pose

Sharing with Saturday's Critters


  1. Ha, ha, the title of your post made me laugh! :)

  2. Amusing and natural clicks. Goose Yoga,so apt!

  3. Beautiful birds! Have a peaceful Sunday.

  4. Pretty geese, they must be very limber.. Great shots! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy day!

  5. Yoga indeed....and such bright, beautiful and clear photos!!!

    Thanks for sharing this link over the weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

  6. Ha! That's a tricky pose. I am not sure my neck is long enough to do that. (Gorgeous photos!)

  7. How wonderful! Great photos and I do love the title.

  8. Love the color in these shots! So crisp and pretty! Beautiful birds, Linda!

  9. Fun post title and great shots. I'm not entirely sure I'd liked to bend my head that way and sniff my butt like that 2nd goose seems to be doing.

  10. Such a good title for a very well captured photo.


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